TEE BALL 4 1/2 - 6 YRS (CO-ED)
T-ball will be for 4 1/2-6 year olds. We realize things come up but with technology at our fingertips coaches should know as soon as you know if your child is not going to make a practice or game.
Some basics you should expect your child to get out of playing tee ball are:
1. Don’t be scared of the ball
2. Know where to stand when batting
3. Know which way to go around bases
4. Proper throwing technique
5. Proper glove holding
6. Becoming familiar with field positions
1- Each game will last for a 50 minutes. Games begin on the hour which means you need to be punctual and think of those following your game as does the team before you.
2- Every player will hit offensively and advance 1 base at a time.
3- Outs are NOT recorded. Every player makes it to every base.
4- Defensively there should be NO Players in the outfield. All players are placed on the infield grass.
5- NO Catchers
6- The last batter in each inning will clear the bases (Home Run)